Telematics and Transportation IoT Solutions

Telematics solutions enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) help fleet managers and transportation specialists create more efficient, cost-effective operations.

Bring your telematics solution to life with Telit Cinterion. We can build and customize your ready-to-launch IoT telematics application with our IoT modules, connectivity services and platforms.

An aerial view of a yellow truck driving down a highway, showcasing advanced telematics technology in transport.

IoT-Enabled Telematics Use Cases

Two people examining a document in front of a truck used for transport.

Vehicle Management

IoT-enabled vehicle management solutions allow fleet managers to connect and manage vehicle operations from a centralized web-based IoT portal or mobile app. These telematics solutions enable them to:

  • Optimize routes
  • Control fuel costs
  • Improve driver safety and fleet security
  • Remotely diagnose maintenance requirements
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An aerial view of a large warehouse utilized for smart manufacturing.

Asset Tracking

Telematics-enabled asset tracking ensures that fleet managers always know the health and location of equipment and vehicle fleets. Asset tracking empowers them to locate lost or stolen vehicles and make maintenance decisions based on real-time data.

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A man in the driver's seat of a truck using a laptop for telematics.

Route Optimization

Insights collected from connected vehicles provide real-time information on the best routes to take under varying circumstances. Equipped with this information, fleet managers can make decisions to:

  • Reduce fuel costs
  • Improve driver safety
  • Enhance fleet security
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A red semi truck equipped with telematics technology driving through the city.

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI)

IoT-enabled telematics solutions help insurers collect and analyze data from devices placed in vehicles. These solutions provide insurers with insights to customize insurance premiums and offer new services to their customers.

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Customer Success Stories

BSQ Security logo
EyeSeal logo
metasail logo

Connectivity for Fast, Secure, Real-Time Fleet Monitoring

BSQ needed a reliable, secure connectivity solution that wouldn’t require customers to purchase additional hardware. Our IoT connectivity and platforms enabled BSQ to provide a complete fleet management and tracking solution.

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Sensible, Reliable, Low-Cost Monitoring Solution

EyeSeal leveraged our IoT modules, connectivity services and platforms to enable their monitoring solution. EyeSeal was able to build an industry-first cargo breach detection device many times smaller than competing devices.

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High Seas Meet High Accuracy

MetaSail, created by Meteda, leverages our IoT modules and connectivity for their sailing tracking system. They achieved a plug-and-play solution that doesn’t create extra work for sailors — a significant advantage over the competition.

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A man looking at a tablet in front of a truck.
A black and white picture of a telematics system in transport.
A sailboat sails in the ocean at sunset.

More Information

What Is Telematics?

Telematics systems blend telecommunications and information technology with data science to deliver real-time information. They enable vehicle and equipment monitoring and management in the transportation industry.

Telematics solutions combine geolocation functionality with connected hardware. These systems take data transmitted from vehicles through telecommunication networks to servers. The information is then analyzed and used to inform operations. After analysis, the server can send commands or new operational parameters to the mobile device or vehicle.

What Are Telematics Systems Used For?

Telematics applications use GPS and other onboard sensors and diagnostics systems. They include:

Build IoT-Enabled Transportation Solutions with Telit Cinterion

We’ve pioneered IoT products and solutions for over 30 years. Speak with our telematics IoT experts to learn how we can help with your IoT-enabled telematics solution.

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