IoT Food and Beverage Industry Solutions

IoT-connected monitors and sensors networked with managed cellular connectivity empower suppliers to create and transport high-quality products.

Food and Beverage Industry IoT Use Cases

Telit IoT mobile broadband and 4G modules enable a plethora of solutions for verticals like telematics and asset tracking.

Improve Food Quality, Operational Efficiency and Compliance

Today’s food and beverage companies rely on Internet of Things (IoT) food quality monitoring systems. IoT enablement helps food and beverage companies gain greater visibility over their manufacturing, production and transportation processes to provide higher quality products for end consumers while maintaining operational efficiency and remaining compliant with governmental regulations.

A worker inspecting apples on a conveyor belt in the food and beverage industry.

Food Safety

Safety measures are vital to provide safe food and beverages for consumers and maintain compliance. Sensor-based tracking ensures safety during transit and storage. Automated alerts trigger staff to perform and verify required inspections.

A worker is moving boxes in a food warehouse.

Logistics and Inventory Management

IoT-driven inventory management systems support just-in-time logistics to ensure supplies align with demand. These systems eliminate shortages and overstocks to prevent consumer strain and food spoilage.

Apples on conveyor belts in an IoT-based food quality monitoring system.

Processing Improvements

Sensing technology and data analytics provide accurate records about food production and storage. This information is critical to improving product life cycle stages for an economical food and beverage supply chain.

Two individuals standing in a greenhouse, observing lettuce.

Reduce Spoilage and Environmental Impact

The food and beverage industry’s green movement focuses on ensuring sustainable practices. IoT-enabled food management systems support these initiatives by:

  • Providing insight into the supply chain to improve raw material and packaged goods tracking
  • Reducing waste through ongoing food and beverage quality and supply monitoring
  • Increasing energy efficiency by environmental monitoring and adjustments and distribution practice improvement

Customer Success Stories

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Keeping Products Fresh with IoT

R9 Technology’s Picogate cellular IoT gateway is central to its cold-chain monitoring solution. Picogate leverages our cellular modules, connectivity and IIoT platforms. This solution eliminates manual reporting and provides accurate audits and temperature monitoring.

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R9 Technology's Picogate cellular IoT gateway uses Telit IoT modules, connectivity and platforms.

Improve Your Bottom Line with Telit Cinterion

We’ve pioneered IoT products and solutions for over 30 years. Speak to a retail IoT expert to learn how to optimize food and beverage supply chains with IoT.

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