Cat M1/NB1 | Data Cards
The ME910C1 series mini PCIe (mPCIe) modules are optimized for LTE-M and NB-IoT networks and are available with 2G fallback options.
Product Description
The ME910C1 series mPCIe modules are optimized for LTE-M and NB-IoT networks and available with 2G fallback options. The ME910C1 series modules are interchangeable with other modules in the xE910 mPCIe family.
Form Factor Family
Conforming to specifications from the Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG) electronics industry consortium, Telit Cinterion mini PCIe are 52-pin, single-sided, full-size mini cards on a 50.95 mm x 30 mm edge-connected board.
Product Features
Supply Voltage