802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
The WE866C6-P is a dual-band (2.4 and 5 GHz), one-stream (1 x 1) 802.11 ac Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® (Bluetooth®/Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.0) module with an extremely small footprint that provides an easy and cost-effective way for manufacturers to add short-range, wireless connectivity to their products.
Product Description
The WE866C6-P is a dual-band (2.4 and 5 GHz), one-stream (1 x 1) 802.11 ac Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® (Bluetooth®/Bluetooth® Low Energy) module with an extremely small footprint that provides an easy and cost-effective way for manufacturers to add short-range, wireless connectivity to their products. With the integrated LTE-Wi-Fi/Bluetooth® Low Energy coexistence filter, the product offers a powerful cellular backhaul solution with Telit Cinterion’s LE910Cx 4G LTE module family. WE866C6-P also provides a high bandwidth Wi-Fi/Bluetooth® Low Energy transceiver solution for Linux-powered IoT systems.
Form Factor Family
The sub-compact xE866 family is comprised of scaling LGA form factors in 13 x 15 mm and 19 x 15 mm dimensions presented in 7 x 7 or 11 x 7 pad grids respectively.
Product Features
Hardware Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Software Features