OneEdge Evaluation Kit

Manage and Scale the First Mile of IoT™ with Ease

Request a Project Review for Your IoT Deployment

Scaling your IoT deployment can be time-consuming, costly and challenging without the right tools. OneEdge™, powered by Telit Cinterion, is a software IoT edge orchestrator that provides the resources you need to hasten your time to market and reduce the total cost of ownership and risks. OneEdge supports you through your entire First Mile journey, from prototyping to mature, massive solution deployment.

With OneEdge, you can:

  • Manage the complete device and service life cycle
  • Implement connectivity strategies to meet quality of service and cost targets
  • Leverage the solution power of efficient technology and open standards conceived for IoT use cases like Lightweight M2M (LwM2M)
  • Integrate the IoT solution across your enterprise

We provide three offerings to meet your deployment’s unique needs:

  • Entry. Keep your devices updated with firmware over the air (FOTA) service.
  • Pro. Add the ability to manage edge configuration and parameters, plus remotely troubleshoot IoT deployments. The OneEdge Pro plan includes advanced device and connectivity management tools, including a stand-alone device management application that serves as a dashboard for the IoT deployment.
  • Ultimate. Get all the features of our first-tier and second-tier solutions, plus complete application data orchestration, enterprise integration, custom LwM2M object adding and cloud APIs.

OneEdge Modules

CellularxE310 FamilyxL865 FamilyxE910 FamilyData Cards
5G NR   FN980 Series (M.2)
FN980m (M.2)
Cat 1
  LE910C1 SeriesLE910C1 Series
ME310G1 SeriesML865C1 Series
ML865G1 Series
ME910C1 Series
ME910G1 Series
ME910C1-WW mPCIe
ME910G1-WW mPCIe

Speak with our IoT experts for a project review to get started with success at the edge.

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