Body-Worn Cameras: The Technology behind the Lens
By Greg Oppenheim
December 10, 2024
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Body-worn cameras (BWCs) are small cameras worn on the body, usually on the chest or the head, to capture video and audio material. BWCs are best known for their use in law enforcement. However, they are also useful for personal protection and safety in other public and private industries.
BWCs are emerging as a valuable protective device for people working alone in retail, social care and private security. Lone workers (e.g., delivery drivers and rangers) are also at risk of social and environmental dangers.
Should something happen to the law enforcement officer or lone worker, the BWC will send an alarm. This alarm goes to an alarm receiving center (ARC). Then, the device will establish two-way communication between them and the ARC.
BWCs add a visual dimension to these exchanges. This can help the alarm center operator assess how serious the situation is. The BWC video footage can also help identify perpetrators and function as evidence in the criminal justice system.
BWCs leverage a host of technologies to support their primary functions.
IoT connectivity technology is essential for BWCs. It helps transmit or livestream audio and video to the ARC. BWCs employ various cellular and non-cellular technologies, including:
In addition, BWCs will use LoRaWAN®, a low-power wide-area (LPWA) networking specification. LoRaWAN allows battery-powered devices to connect to the internet wirelessly on regional, national or global networks. This technology is ideal for smart cities and industrial spaces.
Another network protocol BWCs often leverage is Sigfox, which is dedicated to massive IoT. This protocol is a secure, energy-efficient LPWA technology that connects devices and sensors to the internet.
These cameras sometimes possess global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) standards for location and positioning. If a BWC supports GPS positioning, the captured material will include location data alongside time and date stamps.
Most BWCs don’t have livestreaming capabilities. Instead, they use internal storage and transfer data to a central or cloud server using wired or wireless Wi-Fi. Some BWCs use cellular LTE connectivity, allowing law enforcement agencies to livestream video footage anywhere in a city.
Though still in the initial stages, some BWCs augment their capabilities with artificial intelligence (AI) and video analytics. These enable:
In law enforcement, BWC video footage supports two main functions:
Concerning the former, these devices allow police officers to transmit what is happening in real time to headquarters. The video footage helps operators to effectively evaluate fluid situations and provide better support to personnel in the field.
BWCs are also deterrents and de-escalation tools. If a potential burglar sees a retail security officer with a BWC, they will think twice before stealing.
For the latter function, BWC video footage can serve as evidence in the courtroom or internal investigations. They can provide details regarding what happened during a police encounter or other event.
In particular, the material collected from BWCs can prove or disprove police misconduct. BWCs for law enforcement can have automatic triggers. These triggers start recording when the officer leaves the patrol vehicle or draws their weapon.
Since the public can use cameras and record with smartphones, law enforcement needs to collect footage for evidence. Onlookers often take photos and record videos when an incident occurs, which could discredit or challenge police actions. Consequently, police will refrain from acting to avoid reprisal.
BWCs provide law enforcement with security. They create a record that can protect against private citizens who might alter photos or videos. As such, BWCs validate the actions and behavior of the police force, which is under more scrutiny today. These cameras can also reassure the public that the police will be held responsible for misconduct.
BWCs are critical devices that must remain operational when in use. The wearer could suffer consequences if the camera suddenly stops working. Here are several challenges that can jeopardy a BWC’s functionality.
The connection can’t be spotty or drop. Also, BWCs must connect at a moment’s notice and seamlessly move from one network to another. BWC devices need modules and antennas to connect to the network and capture data.
Some applications require BWCs to maintain functionality for extended periods, necessitating adequate battery life. Likewise, the camera must have monitoring and reporting capabilities to track and report its battery status.
If a BWC were to run out of memory or storage, it would no longer collect video footage. These devices need ample memory and storage to work effectively.
People use BWCs in demanding settings, from water rescue to oil rings. The device must possess enclosure integrity and an optimal Ingress Protection rating to withstand:
For example, lone workers in drilling or fracking situations can operate in humid, dry or freezing conditions. Firefighters also need BWCs that can resist extreme heat, smoke and flames.
Telit Cinterion builds custom IoT solutions for BWC applications leveraging:
We can also support your deployment’s network and bandwidth requirements by embedding our modules, including:
Furthermore, Telit Cinterion is an MVNO. We provide network access with our global connectivity packages.
OneEdge™, powered by Telit Cinterion, is a secure software stack integrated with our IoT modules and cloud services. With OneEdge, you can manage your deployments at scale through intuitive dashboards.
Speak with our IoT experts to see how your BWC vision can benefit from Telit Cinterion’s custom IoT solution services.