
Smart Security and Surveillance: Protecting Residents, Businesses and Facilities

July 27, 2022

A smart city’s objective is to optimize urban centers and create healthier, safer places for residents to live and work.  

Public safety should be of chief importance to any smart city planner for two reasons:  

  • There has been an alarming rise in more sophisticated cyberattacks
  • U.S. urban areas have higher crime rates than suburban and rural areas. 
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IoT Security and Surveillance through Connected Devices and Sensors  

Smart homes, buildings and cities leverage Internet of Things (IoT) security and surveillance technology to protect: 

  • People’s physical wellbeing 
  • Critical assets
  • Private information 

Comprehensive and robust surveillance is possible through:  

  • Security cameras 
  • Connected sensors and devices 
  • Software algorithms
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)  
  • Data analytics  
  • High-uptime cellular networks 

Buildings, Tenants and Employees  

SIM Security Camera Solutions

Buildings (e.g., offices or apartment complexes) must use smart infrastructure to ensure tenant and employee security. Smart buildings can rapidly send security alerts to mobile devices based on real-time information, including: 

  • Dangerous weather  
  • Local crime  
  • Suspicious activity 

The tenant’s cybersecurity is also crucial. Hackers may steal personal information via the building’s vulnerable Wi-Fi. Protecting management’s data is also critical. That is another way bad actors could obtain information about the tenets, resulting in costly legal consequences. 

Facilities and Factories    

Smart cities use IoT security cameras and sensors to protect facilities and factories from theft and prevent malfunctions. Real-time video surveillance systems allow facility managers to track who enters and leaves and store that data for asset tracking. These IoT-powered security management and surveillance systems enable workers to control and alter factory conditions remotely. 

Emergency Services  

Surveillance powered by smart sensor systems can empower first responders to arrive faster and with enhanced situational awareness. Moreover, IoT technologies can reduce wasted resources from false alarms. IoT-enabled video surveillance can help first responders determine if an alarm was triggered accidentally. 

Smart City Security and Surveillance Considerations and Challenges  

While smart surveillance and security benefits are invaluable, city planners must evaluate many factors before installing sensors and surveillance cameras. Seventy-six percent of risk professionals believe IoT makes them more vulnerable to cyberattacks. In 2020, Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 research team found that 98% of IoT device traffic is unencrypted

Cellular IoT connectivity is central to remote surveillance and ensuring the safety of people and property. However, a reliable connection must account for challenges like:  

  • Wide-area coverage  
  • Battery life  
  • Coexistence in a crowded IoT environment  

City planners will also need to maintain compliance with global standards and regulations. 

IoT Connectivity Solutions: Fit for a City-Sized Deployment    

Cellular is at the forefront of security standards and protocol implementation. City operators and businesses can enhance their surveillance capabilities with Telit Cinterion’s IoT connectivity solutions, which include:

  • Cellular modules
  • Global SIMs and data plans
  • Remote management tools

Moreover, they can reduce costs via intuitive dashboards and reporting tools on our IoT Connectivity Portal.  

Visit to speak with Telit Cinterion’s IoT connectivity experts and request an IoT connectivity starter kit for your smart security and surveillance solution.