
In-Factory SIM Provisioning (Part 2): Secure iSIM Technology

The evolution of IoT devices has made integrated SIM (iSIM) technology crucial to manufacturing processes. Part two of this webinar series will explore iSIMs and the two-step personalization process for in-factory SIM provisioning

Accelerate Your IoT Project’s Success

iSIM Technology and the Role of SIM Data 

In this session, you will learn why iSIM significantly advances SIM technology. It integrates the SIM into a tamper-resistant element (TRE) within a system on chip (SoC). iSIM enables smaller devices as it eliminates the physical SIM. This reduces the bill of materials (BOM) and environmental impacts.  

iSIM enablement requires loading SIM data onto the TRE after integrating the SoC into a module. This SIM data includes the SIM operating system and credentials, which are critical for the iSIM to function. This step can occur in either the module or device maker’s factory. 

3 Considerations for iSIM and In-Factory Provisioning 

Our expert will discuss three considerations for device makers and OEMS for integrating in-factory provisioning with iSIM technology:  

1. Security and Certification

iSIM technology doesn’t require additional security or certification. The GSMA created a two-step personalization (perso) process to personalize the SoC securely. This process enables an integrated embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card (eUICC). There are two parties affected by this: 

  • SoC manufacturers, which must be SAS-UP 2:SC compliant 
  • SIM vendors, which must be SAS-UP 2:UICC compliant 

2. SIM Credential Preparation

Two-step personalization requires preparing specific SIM credentials for secure hardware. You must prepare this process with the SoC manufacturers. Each SoC manufacturer will provide tools to load data onto the iSIM. 

Moreover, a method to load the right SIM data secure package (a blob) onto the SoC must be established. The SoC ID can retrieve the data.  

3. In-Factory Profile Provisioning  

After activating the iSIM, a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) profile can be installed using in-factory profile provisioning.  

How to Ensure Successful iSIM Technology Implementation 

This webinar will explore the key to a seamless iSIM transition: stakeholder collaboration. Stakeholders include: 

  • SoC makers 
  • SIM vendors 
  • Device makers and OEMs 
  • Mobile network operators (MNOs) 

The Future of iSIM and In-Factory Provisioning in OEM Production Processes  

In this session, we will discuss preparing for future changes in iSIM technology and the potential adjustments required. We will explore the implications of upcoming changes in iSIM technology and how to adapt to them. You will learn about OEM production process challenges as iSIM moves from isolated high-volume to mid-scale projects.  

Key Takeaways 

Watch this webinar to discover the strategies you need to implement iSIM technology and streamline production. 

Attendees will learn: 

  • A better understanding of iSIM technology and in-factory SIM provisioning  
  • Insights into the two-step personalization process required by GSMA 
  • How to surmount future challenges and preparation for integrating iSIM technology into OEM processes