The GE864-AUTO is the newest M2M module produced by Telit in Brazil and it offers advanced characteristics designed specifically for the automotive market. The Telit module will send information from the vehicle to Pósitron’s central service center. The Pósitron GSM tracking system allows online monitoring and other features such as geofencing, speed control, travel route tracking, an assistance button and a starter disabler.
According to Hudson Dorigan, purchasing manager of PST Electronics, Telit’s module was selected for its innovative characteristics. "Pósitron always provides the latest technology for its clients. Therefore, it searches for partners that share the same concept. The Telit module was chosen for being compact, electronically more rugged and compatible with rigorous automotive conditions," Dorigan said.
The deal between both companies is the result of an intense period of development and testing of new PST products with Telit modules. "The union of PST and Telit’s high-quality technologies will bring huge benefits to the tracking market by offering stronger products that meet the new demands of the industry. This is an excellent opportunity and partnership to launch Telit into the Brazilian marketplace," said Marcos Kinzkowski, the general director of Telit Wireless Solutions in Brazil.
"This partnership demonstrates Telit’s recognition and focus in the Brazilian market, we now offer a full line of products made in the country and a team of specialists to turn negotiations into real business partnerships. Being the exclusive supplier of automotive modules for Pósitron GSM line is very strategic to company, because PST is one of the most recognized suppliers of the tracking and tracing (T&T) market in Brazil," said Kinzkowski.
GE864-QUAD Automotive
This extra-rugged member of the GE-864 product family incorporates quad-band, RoHS compliance, low power consumption, an extended operating temperature range and sub-compact form (30x30x3 mm). Additional features like jamming detection, integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and Telit’s Easy Scan® extend its capabilities. In addition to the GE864-AUTO, Telit also produces six other modules in Brazil from the GM862, GE863, GE864 and GC864 families.